Unknown Masters Since The Da Vinci Code, there has been a massive surge in interest in hidden dimensions to paintings, though this trend is, in itself, not new. Though Leonardo da Vinci is definitely the most debated, he is definitely not the sole or first to have hidden clues in his paintings.
- Fire, the John Gesture
In 1997, Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince introduced the so-called “John gesture”: a specific pose painted by Leonardo da Vinci. They were at pains to clearly identify the symbolism of the gesture, but with a little help of Hermetic magic…
- The Shepherds of Arcadia Poussin’s painting has been identified as a cornerstone of the enigma of Rennes-le-Château. What if the painting has a stellar connection, that might indeed shed light on the true motivations of the painter?
- Van Eyck: The Painting Heretic?
Jan Van Eyck is considered as one of the founders of modern painting techniques. But Van Eyck is also known as an alchemist and may have left us with a powerful, magical talisman: The Adoration of the Lamb.
- Salvador Dali: painting the fourth dimension
The Surrealist painter Dali is largely seen as an eccentric, money-hungry artist. But such three dimensional descriptions do not capture the visionary who tried to paint the fourth dimension on his two-dimensional canvas.
- Jean Cocteau: The life of a poet
Jean Cocteau, alleged Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, was a true master of poetry, painting and cinema, creating a surreal world… which he considered to be totally real.
- William Blake: What paintings of visions come
A poet and painter, William Blake is considered to be a man who gave back Britain a sense of identity, at a time when the French and American Revolutions were doing the same in those countries. But above all, Blake was a mystic, a visionary, with at least one foot in the Otherworld – if not more.
- Hieronymus Bosch: paint, us, sinners
Within the world of art, Bosch occupies an unfortunate niche, as few have been able, or even willing, to tackle his paintings. The insurmountable obstacle is defining where Bosch got his inspiration from. The answer might have been staring us in the face.