Holy Grail Archive

The Wewelsburg: the Nazi Grail Castle

Feature Articles –   The Wewelsburg: the Nazi Grail Castle It is said that the Wewelsburg was going to be the “Grail Castle” of the Nazi regime, once it had established itself as rulers of the world. Is this true, and, if so, what was their ambition in this vast building project? by Philip Coppens It is clear that any Grail Castle to be built would …

The Grail Priest

Feature Articles –   The Grail Priest The tiny village of Tréhorenteuc, near the magical Forest of Brocéliande, was home to a visionary priest, who used his church as a canvas to paint the stories of King Arthur, the Round Table and the Holy Grail. Unsurprisingly, he fell foul of the Church’s hierarchy, but left a legacy that can be admired to this very day. by …

Servants of the Grail

Servants of the Grail  Published by O Books To order, visit the store   What is the Grail? by Philip Coppens   The Grail. Between 1190 and 1240, it formed the central theme of a series of literary works that spoke of, and appealed to, a new social class, that of the knights and warriors and the adventures they encountered on their travels. In recent …

Servants of the Grail

Servants of the Grail  Published by O Books To order, visit the store   The Grail: from myth to reality by Philip Coppens   The basic Grail account opens with a young man, Perceval, encountering knights and realising he wants to be one. Despite his mother’s objections, the boy trains for the knighthood and begins a series of travels. On one such trip, he comes …

Servants of the Grail

Servants of the Grail  Published by O Books To order, visit the store   The Book of Thoth: the original and true Grail? by Philip Coppens   We all know the story that the very name “alchemy” is supposed to be derived from the land of Egypt: “Al-Khemit”. Egypt itself was a symbol of alchemy, the outcome of a transformative substance: the Egyptian soil, deposited …

Servants of the Grail

Servants of the Grail  Published by O Books To order, visit the store   Bruges: the Grail city? by Philip Coppens   Many towns have laid claim to owning a, if not the, Holy Grail. Amongst all the candidates, one interesting town is Bruges, the Flemish city often referred to as the Venice of the North. The reason why Bruges should be considered of more …

Servants of the Grail

Servants of the Grail  Published by O Books To order, visit the store   The tarot and the Grail by Philip Coppens   The British author Kate Mosse in her novel “Sepulchre” plays with tarot cards to enrich the mystery of Rennes-le-Château and its enigmatic priest, Bérenger Saunière. In an interview for Radio Rennessence, Kate Mosse stated that if a secret knowledge would have been …

Servants of the Grail

Servants of the Grail  Published by O Books To order, visit the store   The Hermetic Stone by Philip Coppens   A Cup or a Stone, that is the Grail question. Though the Grail is often believed to be a cup, for one of the most prominent – and controversial – Grail authors, Wolfram von Eschenbach, the Grail was a stone. He noted how at …

Servants of the Grail

Servants of the Grail  Published by O Books To order, visit the store Listen to a radio interview on this book:   SYNOPSIS Servants of the Grail is the first book to successfully identify both the historical figures on which the protagonists of the Grail story is based and the identity of the Grail itself. Years of research has unveiled that the Grail account describes …

The Scottish Grail castle ?

Feature Articles –   The Scottish Grail castle ? Is there any chance that the famed Grail castle is not in France, but instead is located in Scotland? If one follows the Arthurian tradition, rather than the traditions of the Grail, that is apparently where one ends up. by Philip Coppens The Grail. A story dating from the 12th and early 13th century, a story which …