Conspiracy Times Archive

9/11 + 11/22 = Conspiracy Plus

Conspiracy Times – 9/11 + 11/22 = Conspiracy2 (part 2) November 22, 1963 and September 11, 2001 is a generation apart, but the events in Dallas and New York have a lot in common, and also underline the changed political and social climate, whereby the world has learned to love the word “Conspiracy”. by Philip Coppens The Pennsylvania crash At 8h42, Flight 93 took off from …

The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control?

Conspiracy Times –   The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control? In 1978, various US researchers argued that a signal originating from within the Soviet Union, the so-called Russian Woodpecker, was an experiment in global mind control. Thirty years on, what do we know? by Philip Coppens The Duga-3 array outside Chernobyl Before sentencing Ira Einhorn to life in prison in 2002, Judge William Mazzola …

The Truths and Lies of WikiWorld

Conspiracy Times –   The Truths and Lies of WikiWorld The free online encyclopaedia Wikipedia is a democratically decided database that has been open to abuse, but the advent of WikiScanner has uncovered a web of deceit and disinformation. by Philip Coppens Since its creation in 2001, Wikipedia has grown as the online phenomenon that apparently allows the truth to be managed democratically; but over the …

Wag the Dog

Conspiracy Times –   Wag the Dog In 1997, the world at large was still relatively innocent about “political spin”. It is fair to say that the film “Wag the Dog”, despite not being the biggest of blockbusters, made an important contribution in the general public’s understanding of political spin. by Philip Coppens The title of the movie was taken from a joke: “Why does a …

Power Struggles and Murder in the Vatican

Conspiracy Times –   Power Struggles and Murder in the Vatican Evidence surrounding the killing of the new commander of the Swiss Guard in 1998 overturns the Vatican’s official version of events and raises disturbing questions about the roles of Opus Dei and Freemasons in the Curia and of the KGB and Stasi intelligence networks. by Philip Coppens Secrecy Surrounding Pope John Paul II’s Attempted Assassination …

State-Sponsored Terror in the Western World

Conspiracy Times –   State-Sponsored Terror in the Western World Most terrorist attacks in Europe, whether attributed to left-wing or right-wing activists or even Islamist fundamentalists, can be traced to actions by government-sponsored military or intelligence agencies. by Philip Coppens Inner Terror: Your Government Doesn’t Mind Killing You One of the most controversial and least discussed aspects of Western society is the notion that Western governments …

The Knights of the Extreme Right

Conspiracy Times –   The Knights of the Extreme Right Many secret societies, including those aimed at nurturing the spiritual enlightenment of their members, have been infiltrated by intelligence agencies for the purposes of grooming terrorists and fulfilling nefarious political agendas. by Philip Coppens Are secret societies just another front for shady intelligence operations? Are members of knightly orders groomed to become terrorists? Many initiatory cults, …

The Million Dollar Priest

Feature Articles –   The Million Dollar Priest There are mysteries, and then there are mysteries that become the cornerstone of other mysteries. In the latter category sits the story of Bérenger Saunière, the “million dollar priest” of the small French village of Rennes-le-Château. by Philip Coppens The small village of Rennes-le-Château is at the heart of many mysteries. At the heart of its mystery, however, …

Moon Wars?

Conspiracy Times –   Moon Wars? NASA has been dubbed “Never A Straight Answer”. In recent years, the controversy about whether or not we went to the Moon, and whether or not NASA is hiding the existence of extraterrestrial life on Mars, has reached the mainstream media. What is going on? And could it be that something altogether different is happening? by Philip Coppens In “2001: …

The Manchurian Candidate

Conspiracy Times –   The Manchurian Candidate A novel and twice made into a movie, Condon’s creation seems fiction – as it seems so farfetched, could anyone believe it is real? Nevertheless, Condon accurately reported on then secret experiments. And perhaps the enormous scope and implications of the people and powers involved may also conform to reality. by Philip Coppens The Manchurian Candidate was a novel …