Road – news
March 1, 2012
Atlantis Rising Visits a French Grail Chapel Issue 92 (March-April 2012) of Atlantis Rising is running my article on The Priest of the Grail, the story of the Grail Chapel in Brittany’s Trehorenteuc, and claims they have been rediscovered. Other articles are by Frank Joseph on the Maya, Tony Bushby on animated Egyptian statues, and other articles on martial arts, domestication, Thomas Edison, Georgia’s Guidestones, etc. In the US, Atlantis Rising is newsstand and available from bookshops Barnes & Nobles. You download a PDF from their website, optimized for the iPad. January 1, 2012
Atlantis Rising Goes Back to Mu Issue 91 (January-February 2012) of Atlantis Rising is running my article on James Churchward and the Naacal tablets, and claims they have been rediscovered. Other articles are by Andrew Collins on Star Tracks from Ancient Egypt, as well as Frank Joseph on cataclysms, and much more, including The Newport Tower, Mary Magdalene, etc. In the US, Atlantis Rising is newsstand and available from bookshops Barnes & Nobles. You download a PDF from their website, optimized for the iPad. ARCHIVES 2004 >>