Psychic Source Review
  • Ease of Use
  • Accuracy
  • Value for Money
  • Choice of Psychics
  • Customer Service


Psychic Source is my Favourite Psychic Network for phone readings, due to the overall quality of the readers, website, customer service and handy features.

Psychic Source Review LogoShould you trust

I’m Iris, and I’m going to give you EVERYTHING you need to know in my Psychic Source review including:

Want to know how Psychic Source works but don’t want to read?  Watch this 1 min video for a quick explanation!

Want to get started with a reading straight away? Try this special offer!

New Customer OfferReadings for $1 a minute AND 3 minutes free.

Introductory discount offer for new customers

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NOTE: Below is a detailed article about Psychic Source (my favourite online psychic network) but if you’d like to just see a quick version of my best psychic websites then go here.

Table of Contents

Indepth and Detailed Review of Psychic Source Readers and Readings

I first tried Psychic Source because I’d heard good things about them from a friend. The first thing I did was to Google about them to learn more about if they are legit or not and which psychic to choose. I did find a lot of good psychic source reviews and a few bad ones (which I thought was ok because it meant that they were not phonies – you can’t please all of the people all of the time).

My own experience with them has been really positive.  Here’s some key points:

Some interesting things I like and think is good about Psychic Source:

  • It’s easy to choose the right psychics as you can narrow the search by Specialties, Subject Expertise, Tools used, Language and Reading Style.
  • They have been around for more than 20 years. This means a lot to me (I’m not very trusting towards people).
  • They are well known for their excellent customer service, (very important with psychic readings)
  • Psychic Source offer good horoscopes and they are free!
  • I’ve found them invaluable for giving me great psychic advice at difficult moments in my life.

Here’s my detailed psychic source review to make things easy for you to decide for yourself!

Psychic Reading Types offered

Psychic Source now offer readings by phone, text chat and video.

Different-Types of readings Psychic Source

Readings by Phone

I’ve explained in detail the different types of readings in my best psychic readings guide.

But briefly speaking, a phone psychic reading is where you ring the clairvoyant and they speak to you on your mobile or home phone.

How to get a phone reading with Psychic Source?

It’s really as simple as choosing a psychic, noting down their extension e.g. (x8113), then calling the number below, and typing in the extension when asked. Quote the promo code to get the best special offers.  I used ‘ 22762 ‘

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Readings by Text Chat

Simply put, a chat reading is where you write your messages in a text box, and the psychic replies by typing back.  It’s a bit like using WhatsApp or Facebook messenger, or even a bit like texting except there is more room and its quicker than texting.

To learn more about what a text psychic chat reading is please consult my full guide.

How do I get a chat reading with Psychic Source?

  1. Click on the ‘Our Psychics’ button in the top menu.
  2. Select the ‘Chat Psychics’ tab.
  3. You will then see the available psychics.
  4. Click the “Chat” button to get started!

(As with all the services you will need to create an account with psychic source first, it’s very quick and easy)

Readings by Video

Video Psychics communicate with you by video of course 🙂  But more specifically they reply into their webcam whilst you type or communicate with voice.  This is great because its intimate like a face to face reading, but not intimidating since you are not shown on the video.

How to get a video chat reading with psychic source?

Again getting a video reading is simply, just click on the ‘Our Psychics’ button in the top menu.  Then select the Video psychics tab.  You will then see the available video psychics.  Click that button to begin your psychic video reading.

Psychic Source Promo Code

It’s easy to get a promo voucher code, and these coupons are great because they save you money. Make sure that you get the best new customer offers!  All you do is quote a discount code if you call to get the best special offers – the one I used is ” 22762 “

Or click the button below which has already got the promo code applied for you so its super easy.

Here are some psychics that are good and recommended, and are also available with the introductory offer of $1 per minute:

  • Dharma x8113
  • Robbin x9341
  • Dawn x9187
  • Orion x9761 – speaks Spanish and English
  • Ronnie x3077

How to contact a phone psychic at Psychic Source

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If you’re a returning customer, then be sure to sign up to Psychic Source’s email list if you want to get the latest special offers for repeat clients.  I’ve gotten some good bargains by keeping an eye on their emails!

How to choose your psychic

There are many ways to browse the psychics, from searching by skill, to seeing who is online now, to just clicking around and seeing who you are drawn to. 

Filter by Type of Psychic

  • Career Psychics
  • Clairaudients
  • Clairsentients
  • Clairvoyants
  • Intuitive Psychics
  • Love Psychics
  • Pet Psychics
  • Psychic Mediums

Choose by Type of Psychic Readings

  • Angel Card Readings
  • Astrology Readings
  • Cartomancy Readings
  • Dream Interpretation
  • Energy Work
  • Lost Object Readings
  • Love Readings
  • Love Tarot Readings
  • Numerology Readings
  • Past Life Readings
  • Spiritual Readings
  • Tarot Readings

Let Staff help you – Staff Picks

Don’t like too much choice or  can’t decide? – Staff Picks is for you

I think this is a great way to discover new and good psychics since most staff that work for psychic source use psychics themselves, and of course they know who is getting the best feedback as well so this is a handy little feature.

Staff Picks 

See my list of best Psychic Source Psychics

Over the years I’ve tried quite a few psychics and also consulted with friends and my nephew.  See our top 7 favourite Psychic Source advisors.

Or you can also read about a great experience that I had with psychic Kristine

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What info do we get about a psychic? 

First of all we get a picture, and some psychics have videos, and also recorded messages that you can listen to.  Then we learn about their Specialities, Tools and Reading Styles

Specialities and Psychic Powers:

  • Clairvoyants
  • Clairaudients
  • Clairsentients
  • Mediums
  • Pet Psychics,
  • Love Psychic,
  • Energy healing,
  • Empath

Tools and Skills

  • Tarot,
  • Reiki,
  • Crystals,
  • Astrology,
  • Reiki,
  • Dowsing,
  • Angel Cards,
  • Does not use tools

Reading style

  • Direct
  • Wise
  • Thoughtful
  • Expressive
  • Compassionate

New feature – Customer Endorsements 

Basically when a customer has a reading with a psychic, afterwards you are invited to endorse the psychic for various skills (a bit like linked in if you ever used it!).   Then you can see how many people have endorsed each skill

Endorsements from customers include
  1. Love, Relationships and Family
  2. Career and Finances
  3. Life Destiny and Meaning
  4. Loss and Grieving

What other info do we get about our Psychic?

Psychic Bio

We get a bio which is great because we can get a feel of their personality and learn more about them.  We also find out how many years of experience they have had in doing psychic readings.

Bio of Psychic Source Readers


There is a section with their schedule of availability, and you can even select your own time zone so it doesn’t get confusing!

Psychic Quote

We also get a little quote known as their ‘Words of Wisdom’

Psychic “Serenity” (x9213) chose this inspiring quote by Gabriella Goddard

“In the place of stillness, rises potential. From the place of potential, emerges possibility. Where there is possibility, there is choice. And where there is choice, there is freedom.”

Articles by your psychic

Near the bottom of the page you will see if your chosen psychic reader has written any articles.  Again this is an excellent way to get a feel for the clairvoyant, and what their personal skills and interests are.  It’s also a nice follow up to a reading.  I felt encouraged by reading articles After I had had a reading since it helped me to fully understand and process the psychic advice and counselling I had been given.

Individual Psychic Reviews

Finally of course we get the psychic source reviews from other customers.  Here you can see how long the psychic has been reading for, and how many testimonials they have, and what people have said.  You can rate them out of 5 stars and leave a little comment to help out others.

Customer Reviews of Psychic Source

Anything else important on the Psychic Profile Page?

Yes. A small but important feature is the ability to Favourite readers.  This is great if you, like me, like to browse a lot before making your final decision.  You can make your very own shortlist of best psychics.

Other Important Reader Features

There are some very famous readers such as Therese, who have been reading with Psychic Source since 20 years or more.  She has a special banner on her picture to let you know.

She’s an amazing psychic (I’ve consulted with her before) but her wealth of experience does mean that she isn’t included in the new customer offer, and her readings are twice the cost of many other psychics.  Still if money isn’t an issue or you have a really important question then she’s a great choice.

If we click into her reviews we see this:


(Note that there are 207 pages of reviews for Therese!!)

She does however tend to get booked up in advance (and is much pricier than less famous psychics who can also be very good) so for your first reading I would recommend someone from the special offers section.

How to choose a psychic if you are in a hurry for a reading?

All these extra features are fantastic for those who really like to think and consider many different details.  But if you are the kind of person who just wants a psychic reading quickly and without thinking too much, then the good news is that in my experience all the psychic source readers are good.

See who is online now

For a quick selection all you have to do is click the little tab button at the bottom of the page that says ‘Who’s logged on’


  • If the reader is in red that means they are currently on a call
  • If the reader is green they are available.
  • A phone icon next to the name shows that you can call them.
  • A speech bubble icon shows they are available for psychic text chat
  • A video camera icon shows that they are available for psychic video chat
Visit Psychic Source Website

Do psychic source test and review and screen their readers for best accuracy?

Yes! As you would expect from any truly legitimate psychic network, Psychic Source do several tests to ensure that their psychics truly do have the gifts they say they do.

They even retest them periodically to make sure that their powers and gifts are still functioning well.

And what is also important and in the past was overlooked by some sites, is that these clairvoyants actually have skill in counselling and giving helpful and appropriate advice to those in need.  After all most of us turn to psychic readings when we have problems or issues in our lives, rather than just because we are randomly curious.

Anything else good to know about Psychic Source?

It’s always good to know that a company which provides such an intimate service as psychic readings, has a conscience and is socially responsible.  Psychic source allows you to choose a charity of your choice and then donate 1% of what you spend to that charity, but you don’t get charged any extra!

They donate to Charity at no cost to you

Here are the current charities that you can pick:

Paws With A Cause®

The mission of Paws With A Cause® is to enhance the independence and quality of life for people with disabilities nationally through custom-trained Assistance Dogs. PAWS® increases awareness of the rights and roles of Assistance Dog Teams through education and advocacy. Since 1979, more than 2,600 Assistance Dogs have been placed with clients nationwide.

Futures Without Violence

For more than 30 years, FUTURES has been providing groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world.

National Center for Housing & Child Welfare

The National Center for Housing & Child Welfare (NCHCW) bridges the gap between housing resources and child welfare agencies in order to improve the lives of America’s most economically disadvantaged youth and families.

Psychic Source Donate to Charity


Customer service – FAQ

Mostly I haven’t needed to use Psychic Source’s customer service but when I do its always quick, efficient and friendly.

How is the Customer Service Phone support?

I’ve found it quick and effective. The people who answer the phone are very nice and helpful.

They have a USA number which is 24hrs, and they also have international numbers in case you are from UK, Canada, Australia, Spain, Latin America (yes Psychic source is offered en Espanol!) or wherever.

Customer service Live chat?

Don’t like calling people or want to save your bill? There is also a 24hr live text chat customer service option.  I find this even easier to use than calling the phone line.

Customer Service Live Chat

What If I’m not happy with my reading?

Sometimes people don’t realise that occasionally a psychic will not connect properly, or there will be some other issue with the reading.  This is normal and good and trusted psychic sites will offer you a refund or another reading.  Psychic Source is no different and you can see here their 100% money back guarantee.  I used this once and it worked perfectly. Money Back guarantee

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Free Astrology and Horoscopes

I’m a big fan of astrology, so I think it’s a nice bonus that psychic source offer free horoscopes for each sun sign.  You can check today’s horoscope, yesterdays, tomorrows or your yearly one!!

Free-horoscopes on Psychic Source

Not only that but Moira (another one of the most famous Psychic Source readers) writes a general weekly love horoscope (because let’s face it, so many of our readings do relate to love!) that helps us to understand the cosmic energies for all of us at this time.

Moira, Kristine, Paige and other readers actually specialise in astrology and offer psychic readings mixed with astrology.  I haven’t tried this yet but it seems interesting.

Here’s a good video explaining what they do and why, if you want to learn more about astrology psychic readings:


Interesting Free resources to help with self development

The best way to approach and get a good psychic reading is to be open to what your psychic says and to be open to self development.

Articles, videos and Guided meditation podcasts by Psychic Source

Many of the readers write helpful articles that you can read and Psychic Source also write and collect them, and other things such as inspiring poems for you to read in their articles and media section.

I love the fact that there are guided meditations and I’ve been listening to one about the Element of Water which suits me well as I am a Pisces!

Articles on PS


More about the different types of readings:

Psychic Love readings

Love and Romance are some of the most popular subjects on which to get readings, after all what subject involves more mystery, more desire and more intrigue than any other?  That famous question of if someone loves you back, or whether someone is right for you, or whether or not your ex will come back and if that’s a good thing or not.  And many more questions regarding relationships, especially if your partner is not very communicative, is far away, or just doesn’t seem to be opening up to you.

Here you can see some of PS’s top love psychics including Leal Christine, Rheda and Brodi, explaining the kind of secrets, guidance and help they can reveal and provide you with in a psychic love reading.

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What are Angel Card readings?

These readings can be ideal if you don’t even know what question to ask, or if you are generally in need of guidance.  Apparently even if you are not sure if you believe in Angels, if you are called to do have an angel card reading then likely it is your guardian angel guiding you and wanting to be heard.

Many of the psychics don’t even need the cards or just use the cards to help them connect to the Angels around you. Some psychics will be able to get a name or characteristic of an angel, others will have the advice that your spirit guide wants you to know.

Famous Angel readers on Psychic Source include Lani, Nancy and Serenity.

Watch this video if you want to find out more!

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What are Dream Interpretation readings ?

Have you ever had a dream that seemed really significant but you couldn’t understand it fully?  Advisors Andrew, Merci and Serenity explain that dreams can be messages that you are almost ready to accept, like your higher self, trying to reach out to you.  A Psychic can help you decode this, and any other symbolism that may be present.  They can also help you know if the dream is a premonition (e.g. you are dreaming of something that will happen in the future.

Why would I have a dream interpretation when I could google it for free?

On the net we can look up dream symbols and do our own interpretation.  But what we might miss out on are special clues and situations that are personal to us.  Caitlin explains in the video below how a personally tailored interpretation from a psychic who can tune into you, can be much more helpful and reveal deeper insights.

Also they can tell whether a dream is just wishful thinking, or anxiety based, or really has important clues and answers for you.

Tarot Card Readings

Tarot cards use symbolism and storytelling to help psychics divine many things about you and guide you with specific psychic advice.  If you’d like to know more about the tarot you can read my articles here.

What are Cartomancy readings?

(Quick hint: they use ‘ordinary’ playing cards)

What if you just aren’t a fan of tarot readings but you still want some guidance from cards? (I like them but some people find them a bit scary).  This is where cartomancy comes in.  You can find out more about Cartomancy in detail in my guide, or read a brief description here.  XXXXXX Basically the psychic reads your future for you (or finds out about a current or past situation) using ordinary playing cards.  My grandmother Cissy used to do Cartomancy so this is a style of reading that I really like even though tarot is more specific.

The suit of Clubs related to work and business, Diamonds is money, spades can be difficulties or blockages (but can be good luck if combined with other cards), and hearts are usually love, emotions or family.

The cards help the psychics to understand your issues and concerns better (including things you might not have explained to them) provide even more detailed and precise info and for you.

What are Clairaudient Psychic readings?

Clairaudience as you may know, means hearing psychic messages.  However most of the psychics do not hear anything out loud, rather they here a clear voice in their head which tells them an answer or something else of relevance to you.  Sometimes they hear names or places or even phrases.  This could be messages from a guide, someone who has passed, or sometimes it’s just the way the psychic’s intuition communicates.

Josephine and Elijah are two psychics who focus on the clairaudient skill.


Psychic Source Reviews by Other People

As well as reading my psychic source review you may wish to get other people’s perspectives so here are some other reviews.  I should point out that I have seen some bad reviews on sites that deliberately target customers who are already unhappy and this can be confusing for those of us who actually think that PS is great.

Independent Reviews of Psychic Source

Trustpilot-Psychic-source-ratingTrustpilot Review of Psychic Source

Psychic Source Review

Customer Feedback

After reading people’s reviews, these are my conclusions on how to get a great reader and reading (If you want a fuller explanation of how to get the best ever psychic reading see my guide.)

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Customer Reviews from Psychic Source

Reviews about Psychic Venus:

PRIVATE1 3/24/2018  5 stars    Phone Reading

My angel !! Venus is heaven sent she’s very accurate and very caring will tell you what she sees not what you want to hear but she will always guide you in the right direction. She’s amazing thank u Venus.

tholmon0911 4/16/2018 5 stars   Phone Reading

Every time she’s been absolutely right. Also we have a good connection. Also if you’re looking for an advisor that is consistent at reading with you at all times never changes up sometimes even slightly remembers you knows the situation and you definitely want to talk to this advisor.

LMS2017 4/13/2018   5 stars     Phone Reading

Venus is an excellent reader! She has such a steady, credible presence….and she checks for understanding and offers solid advice as well. It’s clear that she immediately connects with the people and situations. I always feel better after readings with her. Thank you Venus!

Reviews about Psychic Mackenzie x9602

Mackenzie is available in the $1 a minute offer for new customers!!

Jillybean83 3/28/2018   5 stars   Chat Reading

Amazing!! Such a kind spirit and every time I talk to her she is able to pick up right where we left off from the last time. She is truly like talking to a best friend. She is a personal favorite and I love talking to her every time!! Thank you!!

kitto16 4/16/2018      5  stars    Chat Reading

Thank you for a wonderful reading, and apologies for the abrupt cut at the end (ran out of funds). First time read with this advisor who was very fast, uplifting, and comforting. Not able to rate predictions yet but really hope it works out!

travel123 4/15/2018    5 stars   Phone Reading


Flygirl 4/15/2018      5 stars      Chat Reading

Wow you are good my friend!! I took your advice from yesterday’s chat and started sending the “just relax B” energy, and not only did I get the normal text message, I actually got a phone call!!!!! And he just seemed much more calm and relaxed, and not so frazzled and stressed out! Just wanted to say thank you! And tell you how wonderful you are!!

Psychic Source video testimonials

(made by psychic source’s customers in exchange for a free reading)

How to Make the most of Psychic readings from PS


  • Use Psychic Source as an occasional guidance tool – do not get addicted and spend lots, a good psychic reading should be a tool for guidance, not something you do all the time.
  • Remember that not everything will come true no matter how good the psychic is.  Psychic advice should be used as one of many tools to help you make choices, not as a list of instructions of how to life your life.
  • Be open to what your psychic says, if you don’t want to hear the truth or another point of view then don’t get a psychic reading!
  • Listen to your own intuition

If you follow that advice you should receive some really helpful readings and guidance on difficult issues, and then you will hopefully feel very happy with the service, like myself and my nephew!

Go to Psychic Source

Please add your own psychic source reviews in the comments section!

Still not sure if a psychic reading from is for you?

Find out what to expect from psychic readings with this helpful infographic!

what to expect from a psychic reading 1 what to expect from a psychic reading 2 what to expect from a psychic reading 3 what to expect from a psychic reading 4 what to expect from a psychic reading 5 what to expect from a psychic reading 6


My Psychic Source Review Summary

After my Grandma who was a psychic passed on to the other side, I started to use online services.  I’ve tried many different psychic websites and networks and you can read more of my experiences here.

However for me Psychic source is my number one choice for phone readings, and I have also tried an online video reading with them recently which I enjoyed.  The site easy to use, full of interesting stuff and great ways to choose and connect with a psychic, but perhaps more importantly I have found them to be one of the most accurate site that I have tried.

I give 4.8/5 for being mostly accurate, having an amazing choice of lovely readers and readings, being easy to use, giving us free stuff like horoscopes and audio meditations and for having very good customer service.

Get a Discounted Reading from Psychic Source