Newsletter – June 2011          Ancient Aliens To continue the tradition, we open the newsletter with Ancient Aliens. “Season Three” of “Ancient Aliens” is set to air from July 27 onwards, and this for a stunning sixteen episodes. On April 12, there was a marathon session of filming in our LA home, with no less than six hours of taped material, which was on top of several hours filmed the previous month, at which moment in time Kathleen became part of the Ancient Aliens family too.

I had questions from all sixteen episodes, but as usual, I would expect not to end up in all of them. However, I am very happy to report that one episode, about “treasure”, features both Rennes-le-Château and Rosslyn Chapel, and features not only me, but also Kathleen, as well as our dear friends Tobi Dobler and John Ritchie.

As Kathleen and I were spending time together in France, Easter Monday was converted into taping the location shots for this episode – an unexpected privilege for both of us! However, the filming did not go without its challenges. At 8am, Kathleen was all miked up to begin the first shot, when the camera failed to record. In the end, a new camera had to be flown in from Paris, which meant that at 4.30pm, we finally began to shoot, all the way till nightfall. Who said television was glamorous? But it was definitely fun!

In late March, I was also filmed for a Canadian documentary on 2012, which is aimed for DVD, and which is likely to appear in September. The Ancient Alien Question Since the last newsletter, I have signed, written and delivered “The Ancient Alien Question”, a book that will be released on November 15, and which is already available for pre-order on

I am happy to note that Giorgio Tsoukalos, Robert Bauval and David Hatcher-Childress have endorsements on the back cover, and that Erich von Daniken has written a foreword. This will be an important release and I’ve been told that Barnes & Noble have already shortlisted it.

The book came about unexpectedly, or at least, it found an enthusiastic publisher unexpectedly. The staff at New Page Books approached me to write for their new anthology, “Exposed, Uncovered, & Declassified: Lost Civilizations & Secrets of the Past”, and as I had just completed the synopsis for “The Ancient Alien Question”, I sent it to them. Days later, we were in contract negotiations!

If all things go according to plan, this book will be part of a series, in which important questions about the great questions that science does not address, are addressed. 2012 In early May, my ebook on 2012 was released. The release was delayed from March, because the book is amongst the very first to incorporate video on the iPad edition. Getting video (or audio) on ebooks is a most recent development, but I am very happy that “2012, Science or Fiction?” is amongst the trendsetters in this technology.

For anyone who needs to have a crash course in what 2012 is truly about, this is a must read! And it is aimed at someone who wants to have a quick, yet precise understanding of what 2012 and the so-called 2012 phenomenon is about. Keep on writing… After delivering one manuscript, I was obviously in the mood to continue delivering. One such deliverable is “The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel” in ebook format. This will become available soon. I am also completing a guidebook to Rennes-le-Château, the text of which has been finalised.

Meanwhile, a project long in the making, is now approaching birth: “The Feather of Life” program, which is a series of courses, mentoring programs and like to bring back to life the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancient Egyptians, in a format that is accessible to our modern times. The program will be launched later in the year and you will be amongst the first to learn about it. On the road… Kathleen and I spent a week in France and Spain in April. The indisputable highlight of the trip was without a doubt being in the presence of the Sudarium in the Cathedral of Oviedo on Good Friday. The Sudarium is the cloth that was wrapped around Jesus’ head as he was taken down from the cross. Though one of the most important Christian relics, it is put on public display only three times a year, one of them the end of the Good Friday service in the cathedral, when the Sudarium is brought out for approximately five minutes. We were on the second row in the cathedral and were part of one of those extraordinary moments in life that are hard to describe.

Our trip started, however, a week earlier, in Mont St-Michel, definitely one of the wonders of the world, and one of the earliest sanctuaries dedicated to the archangel Michael. From there, we made our way to Brittany, where we were on the trace of several Black Madonnas, one life-size and symbolically watching over a labyrinth, as well as visiting the most impressive megalithic area in the world, Carnac, where Kathleen and I received an understanding into the megalithic alignments that will truly change our understanding of those monuments forever! In fact, we are heading back there in August.

From France, Kathleen returned to Los Angeles and I went on to travel to Belgium and the Netherlands, to head to our home in Scotland, and onwards to Glastonbury, for the Megalithomania Conference, where I spent a delightful three days in the company of some old and new friends.

The month before, in March, we went to visit MAX and its caretaker JoAnn Parks in Albuquerque. Of all the known ancient crystal skulls – of which there are only a handful – MAX is the only one currently travelling and exhibited regularly. Kudos has to go to JoAnn who has travelled with MAX for more than a quarter century across the States and beyond, so that people can meet MAX and hear his message.

It is my belief that the ancient crystal skulls were given to some privileged Westerners several decades ago by the Mayans of Central America so that the West could be confronted with new tools to experience the divine and learn the ways of the Mayans – an endeavour that has certainly succeeded. JoAnn related the story of how the skull belonged to an American red hat lama Norbu Chen who lived in Houston and who had received the skull in Guatemala and how he passed it to JoAnn. It sat in her closet for ten years, before he began to speak to her, telling her his name was MAX – and not “a rock in a box” – and she accepted her mission to travel the world to show the skull to people.

MAX is a remarkable creature – consisting from five different types of crystal, and carved in such a way that where the layers meet, provides an aesthetically enhancing quality to the skull itself. It was a privilege to spend a day in his company!

A number of articles have since appeared on this site, reporting on some of the wonders of New Mexico which we took in. Discovering the image of Quetzalcoatl in Bandelier was definitely a highlight of the year! A total unexpected privilege happened in February, in Los Angeles. A few weeks before, we learned – by coincidence – that the relic of St Baume, the tibia of Mary Magdalene, was going to tour Southern California, making its way down from San Francisco to San Diego. The relic is one of the most renowned relics of this saint, and key to her sojourn in Southern France. Each day, and sometimes twice a day, a church had opened its doors so that this precious relic could be put on display for veneration, normally accompanied by a celebration of mass.

Both Kathleen and I had seen the relic in its native setting of St Baume – as recently as May 2010 – but the opportunity to see this relic while on tour in California was not going to be missed. A number of factors – and a very late and impromptu adjustment of our own plans – meant we saw the relic in Hollywood, at St Victor’s, on March 5. We were too late for mass, but were happy to see (as we entered) that the relic could be approached and even touched – in its display cabinet – by all those desiring to venerate it. In fact, you could venerate it more closely and more personally than in its French setting.

Afterwards, we made our way to the little (mobile) information booth, where through a series of interesting coincidences, Kathleen was identified by Paula Lawlor, the organiser of the tour, and we all got to talk, me with Father Thomas, the Dominican priest of St Baume whom we had see celebrate mass in May in St Baume and who accompanied this relic throughout California.

When the veneration was about to end, Father Thomas unexpectedly asked whether I could help him carry the relic to the car, so they could make their way to Montclair – the next step on the pilgrimage. And so I ended up carrying the bones of Mary Magdalene in what was a most surprising and unexpected and beautiful little procession. So I put Mary Magdalene in the back of a car… something that will stay with me for the rest of my life! Upcoming road-news… Kathleen and I are about to spend the next seven weeks in France, where we will be leading two tours. A third tour is scheduled for October and if you are interested in joining us, there are still a small number of places available. But hurry if you want to join us!

We will also be visiting parts of northern Spain, as well as Brittany and other exciting parts of France, including, as mentioned, Carnac. If you want to join us in Chartres on July 7-10, please let us know as soon as possible. Though there is no limit on the size of our group, finding accommodation in Chartres might become tricky.

Throughout the seven weeks on the road, you should – internet connections willing – receive your normal article updates on the site, and time and internet connections allowing, other information in between. Facebook will likely be the main and most immediate form of communication, however, as we report on delivering an initiatory experience to the wonders of southern France to more than – over the two trips combined – 75 people. New and continuing developments The blog is still appearing roughly every other week, in between normal updates to the site. In recent weeks, I have also begun to experiment with vblogs, placed on a YouTube Channel, which is already linked to my Facebook page, but not yet with my website. For that to happen, the vblogs need to continue to occur, and this is likely to happen, but no guarantee. I am happy that the feedback on the vblogs is positive and that there were even some websites who are interested in integrating it with theirs! No doubt to be continued, but not necessarily as regularly as weekly. The future will tell! Meanwhile, The Spirit Revolution radio show still continues to grow – a development we are most happy about – and we are as always looking for great guests. If you know of any, please let us know.

And just to repeat: please know that I read all the emails I get and that I try to respond to each one of them. If I do not reply and you feel I should, just send the email again, until I do. I will not be offended… but you cannot give up! It is one of those facts that a short email normally needs only a quick reply and is therefore easily done, whereas longer emails require more time, often some thinking time, and that is not always a given. Until next time!