Since the dawn of time, man has been enamored and has been mystified by the beauty and power of crystals. Gemstones have been sought all over the world for their beauty and value. Rocks and sea glass has been collected by young children for many years. And crystals has been a favorite of healers, psychics and people who practice Magick all over the world.
Crystals are formations of mineral deposits in the earth that are as old as time. It takes thousands or millions of years to form a single crystal, and because of this crystals hold power as old as time.
Crystals have been used to heal and empower humans for a very long time. Both Western and Eastern civilizations have used crystals to heal and release negative energy. Crystals can both emit energy and absorb energy and with this characteristic, crystals can really promote well being, heal both the physical body and the spiritual aspect, unblock chakras and promote psychic powers.
Amethyst is purple crystal that belongs to the quartz family. It has a purple reddish hue that makes it resemble the color of wine. It is said to heal hangovers, lethargy and even addiction. The amethyst has properties that can promote healing and protection. This crystal is easy to find and purchase so it is one of the crystals that any collector should have.
Psychics favor this crystal because it can help him or her connect with his or her psychic abilities. The color purple has always been linked with cognitive and psychic abilities as well as spirituality. Enhancing your spirit can help you fight off depression, anxiety and problems that may come along.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz are known to promote love. It is a good charm to carry to attract a loving energy towards you. It is also helpful for healing a broken heart. The rose quartz is also known to be very calming and soothing. It is good for those who feel stressed, fatigued and anxious. People who suffer from anxiety can benefit from this pink stone.
Tiger’s Eye
The tiger’s eye is called as such because it does resemble an eye of a tiger. It is yellowish in color with a brown lines running through it. The tiger’s eye is a great stone to ward off attacks. It is a protection crystal that should be carried by psychics and anyone who wants to avoid psychic attacks and evil intentions.
The tiger’s eye is also a grounding stone. It can help you feel calm and empowers your soul. Grounding stones help you as well when you go on astral travels because at times, when you do this you feel pain in your body and grounding stones help prevent this feeling.
The tiger’s eye also attracts wealth and money as well as power. It is a good crystal to promote awareness and fine tune one’s senses.
Garnet is a precious stone that removes negative energies and is great for recharging your chakras. It is great for regeneration of the body and healing. The red color of the garnet attracts healing and is good for those who feel very ill. It can be worn as jewelry or be used around the house to promote a healing energy.
This stone awakens the chi and allows the body to be filled with energy. It is also good for married couples who have lost their intimacy. It is a good gift for a woman from her partner to help her be in the mood for passionate moments.
Lapis Lazuli
The Lapis Lazuli is a favorite crystal for those who are beginning to embark on their magickal journeys. This stone is used for awakening of magickal powers and wisdom. It is a crystal that helps remove self doubt and allows a person to fully express himself or herself.
This crystal enhances one’s psychic vibrations and magickal abilities. It is good for those seeking to practice reiki, divination and magick.
Lapis Lazuli also helps block emotional imbalances and confusion. It has great healing energies recommended for those in the medical industry.
Jade is a green crystal commonly used by the Chinese Taoists to help pull in prosperity and wealth. It’s green color is good for money and finances as well as bringing inner calm. It has an energy in it that delivers mental clarity. Jade has also been widely used to ward off pain and toxins in the body. It is good for clearing the charkas and removing ailments and balancing energies.
This sea green stone helps bring in healing. Native American use this crystal to dispel illnesses among their tribes. The turquoise also promotes the opening of the third eye chakra as well and helps a person understand dreams and visions.
Another use of turquoise is to boost confidence and allows a person be more outgoing. When speaking in public, having a turquoise crystal on you can help you attract the audience and catch their attention.
The citrine is a very popular stone. It is good for bringing in energy to the bearer. It gives power to the body. It is highly energizing and gives off a happy vibe. Citrine can be used to recharge one’s mind and attitude. It can also help the stomach or the solar plexus chakra to be cleared of negative energies. This is good for those who suffer
from acidity and ailments of the stomach.
Citrine is also useful for bringing positivity. What’s good about citrine is that it never absorbs negative energies and thus does not need to be recharged or cleansed. If you feel down and sad, put a citrine stone near your bed or work area to attract happiness.
The Moonstone is a light yellow stone that resembles the light of the moon. It has a feminine energy in it that softens people. It is said to be the stone for lovers. It helps bring it sweet loving energy into a relationship. It renews the tenderness that once was in the start of the relationship.
The moonstone is also a good crystal to promote health and healing. It promotes the balance of all chakras and clears out dark energy. It is a great guiding stone that can aid you achieve your potential. It helps a person stay on track on his or path to good health and a balanced life.
Obsidian is the stone of truth. It is also known as the mirror stone. It allows you to see all things be it negative or positive. It connects you to your root chakra and helps fight off anxiety and pulls in contentedness.
The Obsidian helps it’s bearer to know what his strengths and weaknesses are allows him to peel away the negatives charges he has. After this process, the obsidian takes in the toxic energy and reflects the positive energy back.
The green color of Peridot gives an energy of good tidings and fortune to it’s owner. It also helps fight off discontentment and envy. It’s apple green color promotes relaxation and relieves stress. Period has a cleansing vibration that is great for those who are emphatic or those who encounter a lot of fatigue or stress.
Serpentine helps you regulate your hormones and allows you to go through life with balance in both your body and mind. Like most green stones, it has a cleansing power in it. The serpentine is also a manifesting stone great for attracting what you want in life.
This stone is great for those who build things and those who are creative as it promotes the power of creation.
Gold, before it becomes a metal is seen as small specks or grains embedded on rocks or pebbles. Gold is great for fighting depression and anxiety. It boosts happiness and confidence. Gold is good for those who want to be more outgoing. It is great for anyone who needs a boost in energy.
Many Uses of Crystals
Crystals have many uses. Some are worn as jewelry. Some are displayed in one’s home to attract energy. Crystals are as old as time and they have powerful vibrations in them. When used properly, they can bring in healing, clarity and even promote esoteric powers. You can use crystals so that you can open your third eye chakra and be a better psychic. You can also use them when getting psychic readings to boost the vibrations of the psychic doing your reading.
Many great psychics and and magickal practitioners use them for their powers so why not give crystals a try?