Egypt Canopus Revelation Archive
The Canopus Revelation Published by Frontier Publishing & Adventures Unlimited Press. To order, visit the store The star Canopus and the Mystery of Osiris by Philip Coppens Egyptology, in its widest aspect, is very much like the music industry: certain stars are popular, and others are not – and popularity never lasts. Though the ancient Egyptians labelled their stars “imperishable”, Egyptologists over the …
The Canopus Revelation Published by Frontier Publishing & Adventures Unlimited Press. To order, visit the store Plantard: the pre-Priory of Sion enigma by Philip Coppens Plantard and the Priory of Sion go hand in hand, so much so that no-one is paying any attention to how he first gained his notoriety – and I do not mean the alleged convictions of child abuse. …
The Canopus Revelation Published by Frontier Publishing & Adventures Unlimited Press. To order, visit the store The Great Pyramid: Building the Duat in Three Dimensions by Philip Coppens What is the meaning of the interior design of the Great Pyramid and its three chambers? Is there a representation of the Duat, the Egyptian concept of the “place” after death, around Gizeh, as many …
The Canopus Revelation Published by Frontier Publishing & Adventures Unlimited Press. To order, visit the store Dividing Egypt by Philip Coppens Most ancient civilisations created a centre for each city, but equally had a “national centre”, which acted as a “central centre”. Authors such as Jean Richer have argued that Greek city planning, i.e. the location where certain towns would be built, is …
The Canopus Revelation Published by Frontier Publishing & Adventures Unlimited Press. To order, visit the store A binary star system? by Philip Coppens Cruttenden’s Lost Star of Myth and Time argues that our solar system is part of a binary star system. His material is reinterpreted with the material of The Canopus Revelation, with some intriguing possibilities as an outcome. In Lost Star …
The Canopus Revelation Published by Frontier Publishing & Adventures Unlimited Press. To order, visit the store The City of Alexandria and its link to Canopus by Philip Coppens In 2004, I published “The Canopus Revelation”. The book argued that Canopus was the forgotten “star” of the Egyptian pantheon; that it was specifically linked with the dead Osiris; that it was the South Pole …
The Canopus Revelation Published by Frontier Publishing & Adventures Unlimited Press. To order, visit the store Listen to a radio interview on this book: SYNOPSIS The identification of the constellation Orion with the Egyptian god Osiris has become engrained in human consciousness, yet it is one of the biggest misunderstandings dominating the understanding of Egyptian mythology. Rather than the constellation Orion, it is the …