Feature Articles – The Burrows cave: Photographs
In 1993, a Dutch edition of the discovery to date of The Burrows Cave was being prepared. Due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, the edition was never published. However, some of the photographs for the book has since been either lost or ignored. It is reproduced here as an appendix to the article.
by Philip Coppens
Gold artefact from the cave, clearly showing Egyptian or Egyptian inspired marks on the gold. Gold artefact from the cave, clearly showing Egyptian or Egyptian inspired marks on the gold. Gold artefact from the cave, clearly showing Egyptian or Egyptian inspired marks on the gold. Face found outside the Burrows Cave, showing an apparently African face. Edge of the rock cliff, approx. 300 ft. from the entrance to the cave. Russell Burrows inside the cave.
© Warren W. Dexter Inside the Burrows Cave, with what looks to be a similar face as that found outside the cave. Inside the Burrows Cave. Inside the Burrows Cave, in what has been termed the access to crypt 4.