On July 22, 2011, Norwegian Anders Breivik killed 77 people. The killing spree was created so he could stop a Muslim takeover of Europe. Breivik is typical of the emerging face of Fascist Terrorism, which has been working together in Europe for some time. But why are authorities reluctant to show this type of terrorism – even pretending it does not exist?
by Philip Coppens
On July 22, 2011, 32-year-old Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik bombed government buildings in Oslo (killing eight), before traveling to the island of Utøya, where he entered a camp of the Workers’ Youth League (AUF) of the Labour Party, posing as a police officer, killing a further 69, mostly teenagers. When armed police arrived on the island, he surrendered without resistance. He subsequently confessed to the crimes, stating the purpose of the attacks was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover. He blamed the Norwegian Labour Party for “letting down Norway and the Norwegian people”, for which they had to “pay the price”.
Breivik openly stated he was a crusader and claimed to be a Knights Templar, one of the most powerful and prominent medieval crusader organizations. The Knights Templar were formed to protect European pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land from the perils of the voyage – read: Muslims. As few Muslims actually attacked Christian pilgrims, the Knights Templar quickly refocused their attention on acquiring land in Western Europe, where they would become pivotal in the birth of modern banking, which led to their demise when the French king Philip le Bel felt financially chained to the Templars’ wishes. On Friday, October 13, 1307, the Knights Templar were rounded up across France and afterwards disbanded by the Pope.
Ever since, and specifically from the 18th century onwards, the Knights Templar have lived on in popular imagination. Freemasonry created degrees and suborders linked with the Knights Templar, leading some to propose that after their demise, the Knights Templar secretly regrouped in what in the early 18th century became known as Freemasonry. There is no evidence for this theory. After Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code”, the Knights Templar were widely supposed to be the protectors of a secret, maybe the sacred bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene’s descendants. Again, there is no evidence for this theory. The combination of the date of the crime – July 22 – and Breivik’s claim of being a Knights Templar was enough for a number of rumors to circulate. There were several Internet postings that argued he was making a sacrifice on commands of the Illuminati – the supposed yet also unidentified “true” leaders of the world.
July 22 is the feast day of Mary Magdalene. In popular belief, it is also linked with the flooding of the Egyptian Nile, and hence with the Egyptian deity Isis, who shares many characteristics with Mary Magdalene. As a self-proclaimed Knights Templar, had Breivik specifically chosen the date? No-one waited for his trial to find out whether he would claim so or not and some took it as a given.
Breivik’s trial began on April 16, 2012 and was headline news for several days across Europe. It was scheduled to last for ten weeks, but the media attention lasted not that long, only returning for the final days of the trial. In the initial media coverage, there were headlines as to how Breivik referred to himself as a “Knights Templar”, but the mainstream media did not expand – almost as if they somehow believed the audience at large was familiar with the term. Most of the media seemed to suggest Breivik was mentally insane – the first pretrial psychiatric evaluation had diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia, but a second evaluation had declared him sane, though suffering from extreme narcissism.
Was Breivik truly a member of a Knights Templar organization? He argued that he had traveled to London, where in April 2002, he made contact with fellow Knights Templar. At the meeting, they had refounded the Knights Templar organization. There were nine original founders and nine “refounders”; Breivik claimed to be part of this new ennead, which further consisted of two Englishmen, a Frenchman, a German, a Dutchman, a Greek, a Russian and a Serb. The latter was supposedly the initiator of the new movement, but he was not present at the meeting. The reason may be that according to Breivik, the man was a Serb “war hero” living in Liberia.
Apart from on one occasion, Breivik has refused to identify the men. On August 2, 2011, he offered to identify the other cell members, but had a list of conditions which the police felt were unrealistic. They were indeed: though the demand for a Japanese specialist to investigate his mental state could have been granted, the resignation of the Norwegian government was a de facto impossible demand.
So who were they? Each of the men apparently identified themselves not with the original founders, but with mythical heroes. Breivik gave his code name as Sigurd, after the 12th century crusader Sigurd Jorsalfar of Norway. One of the Englishmen and apparently the organizer of the meeting was referred to as Richard the Lionheart. At the 2002 meeting, according to Breivik, it was decided that each founding member returned to their country to become a one-man cell organization, to grow from there and become the modern equivalent of the medieval Knights Templar, which in Breivik’s ideology was fighting Muslims on Western European soil.
There is one aspect of the Knights Templar and Breivik’s claim that has gone totally unnoticed. The existence of the Knights Templar was announced in 1127, but the members claimed a secret meeting had occurred nine years before, in 1118. There is – coincidentally or not – a nine year gap between 2002 and 2011, the first year marking the date of a secret meeting, the latter of Breivik announcing the existence of the organization. Coincidence? Maybe not.
The Norwegian police have always been skeptical about Breivik’s Templar claims and even expressed an unwillingness to investigate. Maybe unsurprisingly, their conclusion, after apparently working with police forces across Europe, was that there was no truth to Breivik’s claim. They even claimed that Breivik had invented the meeting, not even having traveled to London at the time of the meeting – though there was no contradictory evidence that showed Breivik could not have made that trip.
Expert comments were quiet often farcical. Dr Lars Davidsson, a clinical psychiatrist at the Angloeuropean Clinic in London, said: “On his trip to England, more likely he was sitting in a pub, on his own, complaining to anyone who’d listen about foreigners. And he could have built this up, in his mind, into something more important. Or perhaps he did attend an EDL meeting, and turning this meeting, in his head, into the reforming of the Knights Templar!”
The EDL is the English Defence League and is the key that needs to be turned to find out what the modern Knights Templar are about. Indeed, where the Norwegian police failed, newspapers and independent researchers seemed to succeed. They identified Richard the Lionheart as Paul Ray of the English Defence League, whose blog identity is “Lionheart” and who did correspond to the profile painted by Breivik. Furthermore, during the Breivik trial, “Lionheart” blogged intensely about the trial, clearly showing he had an interest in the case. Because of the extremely high profile nature of the court case, “Lionheart” did not comment on whether or not the meeting had occurred, but – tellingly – never denied he was the Lionheart or meeting Breivik. He did comment: “I might be a Christian fundamentalist who has a deep dislike for Islamic fundamentalism who looks to Templarism as an example, but anyone who knows me knows that I personally would play no part in such inhumane savagery that has no place in the civilised world.”
Others linked Lionheart’s identity to Alan Lake, the English Defence League’s financier. Lake is a 45-year-old businessman from Highgate, North London, who made his money through computers. He decided to use his expertise and fortune to set up a series of intranet services for far-right groups around the world. Lake has connections with anti-immigration parties in Norway, admitting on Norwegian television in April 2010 that he had helped to found the League. Breivik himself said that “I wonder sometimes if one of the EDL founders was one of the co-founders of the PCCTS, I guess I’ll never know for sure.”
The PCCTS is the abbreviation for the Latin name of the Knights Templar. There was a website – www.pccts.com – where there was talk about Knights Templar, far-right extremism and discussions about selecting targets for attacks in Europe. The site was removed from the internet shortly afterwards. As mentioned, the Norwegian prosecutors argued that the meeting in 2002 never happened and that Breivik had invented this as they had not been able to corroborate the information. Breivik’s response was that they should have searched harder and seeing newspapers were able to identify the organizations and men involved, he is indeed correct. The idea that there is a lone gunman who acts out of delusion is a well-tested redux of truth which has worked in so many political assassinations or even the Dutroux pedophilia trial in Belgium, in which a lone pedophile was blamed for the crimes of a far larger pedophilic network.
It seems that the “Knights Templar” may have been a layer of veneer employed by organizations like the English Defence League, which actually was briefly investigated. Interpol asked Maltese police to investigate Ray, who lives on the island. Breivik claims to have had contacts with the organization, claiming he also attended a demonstration in Bradford. As recent as in December 2009, Breivik proposed the creation a Norwegian version of the League, which occurred in 2010, joining as “Sigurd Jorsalfar”. The head of the Norwegian Defence League, Lena Andreassen, claims Breivik was removed from the organization when she became leader in March 2011. Breivik was considered to be too extreme. However much Norway wanted to depict Breivik as a lone nut gunman, the truth seems to be that he was part of a pan-European movement of extreme right-wing men, mounting a crusade against non-whites. As I have reported earlier, there was, during the Cold War, an entire network of stay-behind networks across Europe. These networks were there in case of a Soviet invasion. They were run by the CIA and largely employed extreme-right wing people in various European countries as they were – correctly – identified as those most likely to take up arms and fight off a Soviet invasion.
The problem is that during the 1980s, these individuals used the weapons meant to be used during a Soviet invasion, to mount a series of false flag operations, specifically in Italy and Belgium, pretending they were executed by communist terrorists. Hundreds of innocent people died. In France, this network became linked with a series of Masonic and Knightly organizations. Following the demise of the Cold War, Knights Templar and like organizations across Europe were also sought-out instruments of ego gratification for former Soviet and newly acquired millionaires and billionaires. Specifically, Breivik claims that he helped “refound” the ancient military order and that this was done to fight immigration and multiculturalism in Europe. During his trial, he mentioned that he hated what London stood for, a city which displays multiculturalism. Breivik described his Templar order as “a leaderless network, made to be self-driven cells.” He said that “For militants, [the Knights Templar] is meant to be a version of Al Qaeda.” He also condemned the pope for approaching and not fighting Islam.
During the opening days of the trial, Breivik started each session by making a Nazi salute. He was proud of his far-right militantism, which he had penned down in a document, titled “2083 – A European Declaration of Independence”, which he distributed electronically on the day of the attacks. The document has a Templar-like cross on its cover and its contents argued for a White Europe and the annihilation of “Eurabia”, calling for the deportation of all Muslims from Europe, to be accomplished by the year 2083.
There were early reports from Norwegian Rolf Froysa, chief technology officer of a Norwegian broadband firm, that the document might contain a code, specifically a series of GPS coordinates to several major European sites, but no further news about this possibility was reported.
There is no doubt that Breivik was interested in secret societies, as he was a Freemason, a member of the Lodge of St. Olaf at the Three Columns in Oslo. His Facebook page contained photographs of him posing with Masonic regalia. After the attacks, his lodge stated they had minimal communications with him. Records showed that he was initiated in February 2007 and only attended four meetings. After the attacks, he was immediately excluded from the fraternity. In his manifesto, Breivik considered Freemasonry to be a “keeper of cultural heritage”, but criticized them for being apolitical.
By 2007, according to Breivik, he was already planning the attacks. He stated preparations for the attacks began in 2006, though the police once again refused to accept this claim. Breivik tried to purchase weapons in a number of illegal manners and maybe his membership in Freemasonry was in attempts to see whether he could purchase weapons as such, based on various rumors how the organization has worldwide connections and an extraordinary influence. In the end, however, Breivik realized it was easier to purchase weapons legally! European intelligence agencies have been watching extreme right wing organizations for several years, often infiltrating them. Sometimes, they are uncomfortably close to the crimes being committed, which has resulted in a number of cover-ups. An undercover officer was in an internet cafe in Kassel when a 21-year-old Turk was shot at point blank range on April 6, 2006 by the neo-Nazi organization he had infiltrated and which were responsible for a series of ten murders, one of which was a policewoman. They were also responsible for at least 14 bank robberies and two nail bomb attacks.
The revelation that authorities were so close to these attacks caused great consternation in Germany, as Germany has a series of unexplained terrorist activities against non-whites. These include suspected terror attacks in Cologne and Düsseldorf from 2000 to 2004 that injured more than thirty people. Norway declared Breivik acted alone, while German authorities have played down the existence of the extreme right wing, instead upgrading the dangers of Islamic fundamentalism, as is now fashionable since 9/11.
There are clearly things happening in Germany that need to be explained far better than they have been so far. What to make of the fact that two known neo-Nazis, Uwe Mundlos, 38, and Uwe Böhnhardt, 34, were found shot dead in a burnt out campervan, which authorities claimed was a twin suicide pact. Hours later, their flat in Zwickau was blown up. The detonation was carried out by Beate Zschäpe, 36, who authorities said was their accomplice, and who subsequently turned herself over to the police days later. When police searched the van and the house, they found the gun carried by Michele Kiesewetter, the police officer shot dead in 2007. They also discovered a DVD which gloated that the National Socialist Underground was responsible for a series of unsolved murders which targeted mostly Turkish immigrants in Germany between 2000 and 2006. The immigrants often worked in food stalls, hence why they were dubbed the Döner Killings. German police always pretended that these killings were the bailiwick of Turkish gangs; instead they were Fascist terrorism. One can wonder whether Breivik is a lone extremist or whether he is indeed part of a larger European network of Fascists that have taken to both low and high-profile terrorist activities. If he is not part of this, then Germany has clearly shown the network nevertheless exists. Extreme right-wing organizations have been killing hundreds of people since the early 1980s throughout Europe, but these attacks have always been successfully blamed, first, on communists, and now on Islamic gangsters and lone, deranged gunmen. The media has no such hesitancy towards the 7/7 bombings in London. In fact, the authorities and media’s willingness to blame everything on Muslims has to be seen as a contributing factor as to why Breivik went on his killing spree. In his and like minds, they are attacking Muslims who have attacked them first – 9/11 being the most obvious example. It was in 2002, when the world was invading Afghanistan, that these European right-wingers convened, to create a front to fight “the Muslim enemy” in Europe. One might even wonder whether there was a hidden hand that told them to create this network, and to execute a series of false flags operations that would show that the Muslim threat had to be taken seriously. Is it mere coincidence that the meeting of these Knights Templar occurred in 2002 in London, which in 2007 would see a series of bombings that were immediately identified with Muslim terrorism? Maybe, but if so, given Europe’s current attitude, demonstrated in Norway and Germany, finding an answer, or even a willingness to find an answer, are still far off in the future.